Forgive and Forget? Impossible!

If u confront your man about a dastardly deed and his response is "Im sorry! But there is nothing I can do about it now..." He is sorry that you feel bad about what he WANTED to do, not about the act itself. He blames nature for unbridled passion, and u have to sit there and eat up the excuse but that reasoning doesn't digest well.

It turns and twists your delicate flesh as u try to process remorse but u get heavy hearts and heavy bellies as u make love with food and other follies to compensate for the little death within u. Forgiveness is not real for matters of the heart, the best thing is to be honest seek to balance the loss with revenge of some kind.

It doesn't have to be the same offense but it should hurt same, maybe then you can truly say that he is forgiven...

Some will tell you, just leave him! As if all will be right within your heart not being in his immediate presence. For some of us, the leaving him aspect is not a wanted option, they are still useful and purposeful in our lives so leaving will hold no resolve, it may hurt us more.. 

No my friend, when you have free will and a perfect understanding of who you are, your right to justice and order then you will approach regain balance and order without guilt just as the other party committed self gratification without guilt. You owe it to yourself to find a resolution befitting of justice not turn the other cheek.
Then maybe you won't look to food or frivolous things for illusionary comfort. Its satisfying to know that the person who hurt you with intent and without just cause experiences the consequences of the pain inflicted, only then can you truly relax and let go. Find a way to break even and then you will be free....

Eve's Eyes Are Open The Spells of Men...

Art done by Quyen Dinh
Continued from the Second degree; Eve 's Eyes Are Open, I talked about not letting fantasies told to you be presented as truth, seduction is not truth, just delightful presentation to move you act, to respond, to get emotional and build your desire. 

The whining and dining, flattery, stories of adventure with past relationships make you hopeful that its now your turn to be loved by a 'good man'.
You are 'blinded by affection (infected is a better word) as the he sings a lullaby in your ear to 'relax' you, to 'disarm' you from your logic. But this to shall pass and the real intent will surface if you just give it time, then you will see what's left after the 'show' is over then and only then do you put your heart into it.

Emotional currency should be spent on truth not suppositions or the 'I'm not ready yet" bullshit talk. Arrest your emotions if there not reciprocated, there's no honor in casting pearls to swine.. Open your Eyes... this is your life PROTECT IT!!

The nature of your P.U.S.S.Y CAT

Ladies..If you want to know how you should be as a woman, study a cats nature. You are called P.U.S.S.Y cat for a reason, the natures of cats are one of independence, yet playful and affectionate, they like to please when they feel like pleasing, cat cannot be held on a leash and will only come to you when it wants to so what you say doesn't really matter. A feline will defend those she loves. She are clean, watchful, sleek and you never hear her coming...Adopting Feline characteristics will help your life enormously..

It is time to step back into power of the feminine, fem, female fe-lion way. Men have hardened your heart and dims your light, but a cat has NINE lives and always lands on its feet, so get my love and be born again, make a vow to care for yourself first and foremost. A cat cums when only when she wants to.."

The magic of a man's conversation...

The Second Degree: Eve's Eyes Are Open..
Now you as a woman need to have your eyes open to the truth of things so that you don't fall to temptation.I meaning going forward with full understanding and (truthful) information from the men which are the objects of your desire. 

To often we get caught in the suppositions, men tell us how it could be, never how its will be.

We believe in the vague fantasies set before us, putting hopes in hypothetical conversations because we like a good conversation...Nothing is ever made plain in the beginning.

Seduction does not work on truth..truth is not sexy..fantastic tales of what might be pulls you in..makes you busy on winning his love and without merit or tangible cause he gets the spoils of a war easily won....

To make you dream about what could be is more powerful than reality because you add to it in your mind and before long you have made a perfect scenario that is so far from his intent that you think that what he says is real. OPEN YOUR EYES

A Woman's Mystique

You never lose the right to say no to sex even when your married, I think its good for married women to take occasional breaks from sex with their husbands, it helps to build anxiety, eliminates 'familiarity blindness', and boredom, it motivates him to please you because you are regaining a position of privilege and excitement of having your body. Frequent sex is like having your favorite meal everyday; it loses its appeal and the flavors aren't distinct as it is when you have it once in a while.

I am not saying that you wear lingerie or throw rose pedals on the bed (thats marketing for your money) I am telling you that men in general get bored and desire 'new p.u.s.s.y" even when they love you, so don't be afraid that he will look the other way because he has already..
Married women think they no longer need 'mystique' because you are one flesh with your husband but this is not true. Keep your identity, you are still sovereign...