A Woman's Mystique

You never lose the right to say no to sex even when your married, I think its good for married women to take occasional breaks from sex with their husbands, it helps to build anxiety, eliminates 'familiarity blindness', and boredom, it motivates him to please you because you are regaining a position of privilege and excitement of having your body. Frequent sex is like having your favorite meal everyday; it loses its appeal and the flavors aren't distinct as it is when you have it once in a while.

I am not saying that you wear lingerie or throw rose pedals on the bed (thats marketing for your money) I am telling you that men in general get bored and desire 'new p.u.s.s.y" even when they love you, so don't be afraid that he will look the other way because he has already..
Married women think they no longer need 'mystique' because you are one flesh with your husband but this is not true. Keep your identity, you are still sovereign...